
The Studio is build with a hybrid setup in mind. Using both digital and anlog gear, the best of both worlds combined yields a perfect combination. Under the motto "quality beats quantity", all analog hardware was carefully chosen and are each high-end products like Solid State Logic, Api, ELI,... The same goes for the recording software and audio plugins. Even though it is built mainly as a mixing studio, recording a full drumkit (or more) is still possible due to cooperation with other facilities. Recording on or in a location of your choice also belongs to the list of possiblilites.  

Here, at Tube Driven, you can choose to record, mix, edit and/or master your music. Go for a package deal, just take one of the above or anything in between. And since we both have our time invested in a project you'll never leave with a result you're not happy with.

Live Sound

Live sound is more than putting some microphones on stage and turning them on. It's about capturing the artist's performance and maintaining the character, vibe and feel while amplifying it to the audience. That's what happens here, at Tube Driven.

When being hired as the audio engineer by bands, I'll adapt the approach I use in the studio to the live world. That means fine-tuning all instruments to capture the best possible sound right at the source. We'll also go over microphone technique for the singers to minimise stage-bleed and figure out how the singer will sound best while retaining his/hers original character. It's important that the performers feel comfortable on stage and I'll do anything to make that happen.

For rental companies there's a slightly different approach. A lot of bands bring their own tech and I'll be there to assist them, tune the system, setting up the stage, etc. Since I've been touring quite a bit for several years, I've encountered almost all different desks that are currently on the market. That makes me comfortable around any analoge desk and almost all digital desks.

Aside from working directly for the band, musical, rental company or theatre, I also have experience doing sound for TV, live TV and video. Being present in all different branches of the audio industry gives me an advantage and makes me adaptable to many kind of different situations.

For availability or questions, feel free to contact me via the information down below.


Reamping is as straightforward as it sounds. Are you not happy with your guitar and or bass sound? Send over your D.I. tracks and I'll reamp them for you. Going from vintage to modern tones, blues to jazz or sparkling clean to high gain overdrives, we'll make it happen. Using our vintage Marshall, the EVH, a combination of pedals, or all of the above brings most sounds within reach. With the different kinds of speakers, microphones, positions, etc. a whole palette of sounds is available.


Many musicians just want to focus on writing, playing, connecting with fans,... and don't want to lose time with the advancing and logistics of a show. That's were a tourmanager comes in and deals with all this stuff. From contacting promotors before the show to make sure that all is in place and taken care of to going on the road with you and deal with everything there, Tube Driven is your address for it.